What is herpotherm® neo?
herpotherm® neo is a medical device “Made in Germany” which can prevent the development of cold sore blisters using concentrated heat, if applied early enough. The medical device is compact and can be taken along anywhere and thus can be used at any time.
Who can use herpotherm® neo?
herpotherm® neo works solely by concentrated heat and is thus completely free from chemicals. herpotherm® neo is also suitable for pregnant women, allergy sufferers, and children*.
When used on children*, it should be noted that children’s skin is more sensitive to pain than adults’ skin. It is recommended to tell children prior to treatment that the heat generated by herpotherm® neo may briefly feel unpleasant.
* Suitable for children from 3 years of age. Self-administration from 12 years of age.
Are there high-risk groups, such as pregnant women or allergy sufferers, who not use herpotherm® neo?
There are no restrictions on use by pregnant women or allergy sufferers since herpotherm® neo works completely free of chemicals and in a purely physical manner using concentrated heat.
herpotherm® neo should not be used in the case of or on
- Eyes and eyelids
- Mucous membranes
- Open wounds, injured skin (e.g. open blisters)
- Scalding or burning of the skin
- Frostbite
- Known increased algesia (increased pain perception) in small-fiber neuropathy, allodynia, hyperalgesia
- Tumors and malignant changes of the skin
- Persons known to have restricted pain and temperature sensitivity.
How does herpotherm® neo work?
herpotherm® neo is used for the local treatment of the symptoms accompanying cold sores, such as pain, burning, tingling, itching or tightness. herpotherm® neo works by using local thermotherapy. It is presumed that the heat generated which ranges around 51 °C has a positive effect on the release of histamine and the body’s own enzymes and thus curbs the inflammatory reaction.
herpotherm® neo can prevent the development of cold sore blisters, if applied early enough. However, if cold sore blisters have already appeared, treatment with herpotherm® neo can reduce the severity of the symptoms or cause them to subside faster than creams containing acyclovir*.
* Wohlrab J, et al., Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2013, 6:263-271
When should I use herpotherm® neo?
Cold sores should be treated as quickly as possible after the first symptoms such as pain, burning, tingling, itching or feelings of tightness appear. These symptoms generally begin before cold sore blisters form.
How should I use herpotherm® neo?
herpotherm® neo is very easy to use:
- Remove the protective cap from the device. Place the ceramic contact surface of the device onto the affected skin area and gently press it against the skin.
- Press the button and the ceramic contact surface will heat up to a temperature of around 51 °C. Once this temperature is reached, an LED will light up. The LED will go off once the device automatically shuts down after 3 seconds of use. At the start of the heating-up phase and at the end of treatment, you will additionally hear an acoustic signal.
- Place the protective cap on the device.
For persistent or recurrent symptoms, multiple treatments of the same skin site are possible. Please leave a treatment interval of at least 2 minutes between each application.
Can I share herpotherm® neo with other people?
To prevent virus transmission and for reasons of hygiene, herpotherm® neo shall only ever be used by one person.
Can herpotherm® neo cure herpes simplex?
There is no permanent cure for infection with the herpes simplex virus, unfortunately not even by using herpotherm® neo. Cold sores are a viral disease caused by the herpes simplex virus. It is transmitted by droplet infection, by direct contact or as a smear infection.
Are there side effects from the use of herpotherm® neo?
Depending on sensitivity, the treatment temperature may cause some discomfort. In sensitive individuals, a temporary reddening of the skin may occur after use. In rare cases, users with sensitive skin types may experience skin irritation. herpotherm® neo works solely by concentrated heat and is thus completely free from chemicals.
Are there dermatological tests on the efficacy of herpotherm® neo?
Yes, a clinical study and dermatological tests have shown that applying herpotherm® in time can prevent the development of cold sore blisters. A milder outbreak or earlier healing when herpotherm® is applied later have been reported.1;2
1Wohlrab J. et al., Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2013, 6:263-271.
2Vladimirskij CF. et al., Local concentrated heat reduces UVR-induced Herpes Labialis symptoms and blister occurrence: An open-label controlled clinical investigation. (in preparation)
What is included in the delivery?
The packaging of herpotherm® neo includes two AAA LR03 1.5 V batteries
How long does the battery last and how can I change it?
The included batteries last up to 200 uses and are replaceable if necessary.
To change the battery, the protective cap and the battery cap must first be removed (Figure 1). Then open the battery cap (Figure 2) by lightly pressing the mark with your thumb while pushing the battery cap in the direction of the arrow . Remove the two discharged batteries. The new batteries must be insert into the device, taking int account the marked pole direction (Figure 3). After inserting the batteries, the battery cap must be pushed back completely along the guide rails. The need for a battery change is indicated by the LED blinking 3 times and by an acoustic signal sounding 3 times.